YuENLiN93 遇見神 ~ Emmanuel


2006 大多市培靈會 - 蔡元雲醫生

In the Workplace:
Let there be light!
Because Jesus is the LIGHT!
公義, 良善, 誠實...

Compare with others is no good, since you always can find people worst.
Focus on Jesus - how he 捨己 for us all...
Today, how do I react to his love?
I need to 放下 the self-centre me and follow Jesus's footsteps daily.
Dear Lord, please redeem me everyday, and help me to learn to 捨己!!


  • wei.. are u still using xanga? or you gonna use both?? let me know la.. oo..and i can peek at vincent 's blog too!!! let him know la.. haha..

    By Blogger eh0520, at 10/30/2006 2:27 a.m.  

  • 當我們走進人生的黑暗山谷時, 可能人人不能了解或者理解. 然而我們的主讓我們明白, 神從起初是屬於我們. 當世界消失, 只有 神才是我們避風塘, 最後卻是最堅固盾牌. 有時候 神想我們失去所有, 留下只有 神和我. He 是我們的 神, 同樣地也是全能的 神.

    Love you Jenny...with my heart and my best.


    By Blogger VinEaT, at 11/02/2006 10:22 a.m.  

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