YuENLiN93 遇見神 ~ Emmanuel


NBA....where unfairness happens!

Wade, Bosh, and now LEBRON?!

NBA has become a plot!
Miami Heat just becomes public enemy no. 1 that NO one can beat!

So what is the point of watching anymore?
NBA has just lost the competitiveness of the game.

As a fan of basketball for 20 years now...I am left speechless.

This is not good for the game in the long run, even if it is highly publicized now. Maybe the players have every right to pick their own team, which means, it is the free agency and/or luxury tax system or whatever...that has a FLAW in it.

Yesterday, as a Toronto fan, we can give up watching the Raptors.
Today, as a NBA fan, we can give up watching AT ALL.

NBA....where unfairness happens!


  • Just wait and see. Once upon a time, Malone, Payton, O'Neal and Bryant were all on the same team and won nothing. Let's see if history will repeat itself.

    By Anonymous Edmund, at 7/09/2010 10:05 a.m.  

  • I would love to see history repeat itself. It would not be easy though, as all 3 of them are entering their prime, and each one of them is arguably a franchise player...

    As if being a Raptor fan had not suffer enough over the years, today, I woke up feeling worse for the Cleveland fans. At least we did not find out Bosh's "decision" over national TV...OUCH!

    By Blogger YuENLiN93, at 7/09/2010 11:10 p.m.  

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