YuENLiN93 遇見神 ~ Emmanuel


Back to Toronto from Hong Kong, Japan, and Chicago?! (For 1 month)

Why Chicago? Well, we were stuck in Chicago for 1 day because of the so call "snow storm"....Therefore, we all took one extra day off before coming back...

So how is Japan and Hong Kong? GREAT! Especially Hong Kong where I was able to spend a lot of time with my grandparents and my 3 lovely aunts. I wish I can stay longer to spend more time with them. Beginning to miss them a lot already! I also saw a lot of my friends, but just for a little while. Yes, I wish I have more time...

Japan was great too, we saw lots of new stuff. And it's good to go there with Carol and Tony, of course Vincent la. Since there's won't be a lot of chance in the future where us 4 can take a long vacation like that to a city far as Tokyo. It was a great time spent with close friends.

Haha, as you can notice, my vacation was "people-driven" and not "city-driven"....until now, I still have not talk about the cities itself....all I talked about is the people I spent with! Haha...but I don't plan to talk about the places I went to for now...hehe...



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