YuENLiN93 遇見神 ~ Emmanuel


Jesus's Love

For the past couple of days, I have been pondering about Rev. Wong's message last Sunday.

I think I need to revisit on how I love others and Jesus lately. These days, I find myself comparing myself with others more and more. And somehow I feel disappointed when people treat others better than me, even though I feel I treat them so well, even better than most people treat them. I fell into the trap to think that by doing good things to others will lead to being recognized, or that others will return the love.

God uses Rev. Wong to remind me to NOT to put a value on love. Love cannot be compared. Love should not be something that I long to be returned to me after I loved. Love is not something I performed with a purpose of thinking others will return it, but love...should be unconditional.

Love is sacrificing yourself for others, just like Jesus died on the cross for us. Jesus did not ask us to do anything to pay back his love, nor did he measured or compared how others treated him.

Dear Jesus, please help me learn to love others like you...to love truthfully, and no more "false" love from now on....





It's really been some time since we sat quietly amd chat about life. I missed it so much. These couple of years, it seems that we always have some things to do, and didn't always have a chance to talk deeply. I really enjoy the chat, it was short...but precious.

I think this is what friendship is meant to be in life. At bad times like this, and good times...we can manage to share, in laughters and in tears.

These sharings are precious and always lighten my days!








"You try to cry less everyday. You move one foot in front of the other, and you try to move forward."
(Brain Burke, Toronto Maple Leafs General Manager)