YuENLiN93 遇見神 ~ Emmanuel



一個大男人,本來有家... 但他自己選擇放棄。可能這些年來他也不快樂?才有這決定... 但現在也不覺他開心... 生命好像不由自主,好像所有都是被別人控制... 但其實一切都是由他選擇... 只是這次他太錯了。

看到這裡;可能你會說他抵死... 可是我不能。因為他是我的父親。


愈來愈覺得自己不懂與人分享... Vincent其外... 結了婚的人是這麼的嗎?我想不是...

好朋友,大概你到現在也不太明白... 為什麼我今天說我們太少通話,遲早就會像陌路人... 其實是因為這正是我曾經歷過的... 所以我更害怕失去... 這兩年,我最大感受是人與人之間關係是可以很快消失... 所以我比以前更珍惜。




  • i fully understand how you feel ...have you think of i getting 安靜.not like b4 ....coz i go through alot alot in the past year...no one can understand, no one i can talk to ..i m getting lost too.....so i chose keep myself 安靜 and start to hide up myself.....maybe later on i will 消失 in a place that i familiar..sigh...everything faceing different problem in life..faceing so many stuffs....no others can help , no others can truely understand you feeling.....i m getting lost , lost in everything...i feel that i m lost in faith too.......sigh...

    i have a lots of negative thinking ..everything is blue to me.....

    By Blogger KarenX, at 12/12/2007 2:13 p.m.  

  • yes, I do sense you are more and more silence now. You know it's funny, we see each other on Sundays and we don't talk much. And now via blog we are talking.

    So, are you ok? I am here to listen & share. Just give me a shout/call/whatever when you are ready!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12/12/2007 9:55 p.m.  

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