YuENLiN93 遇見神 ~ Emmanuel


四月四日 - 人生中的第一次






Later on, Swana came too after she finished work. It was already after 12am....but when she arrived, I was still waiting outside to see the doctor. Apparently, there was only one doctor to treat all the patients from the emergency room?! WHAT?

Thank you Swana.

OH, at the end.... We were finally called to see the doctor. Then Swana left...

And I was hospitalized for overnight. Got 1 1/2 bags of IV injection. And a bed to lay on for the long night. I have to THANK Vincent the most...since he was there the whole night with me....and without a bed...haha...funny to see him try to sleep in his (actually mine) wheelchair for the whole long night in the hospital.


  • Jenny,

    Take care la~..hadn't talk to you for so long and so many things happened ..no matter @ work or my personal life......

    hope you get well soon la~~..i will going leaving Toronto on next monday for a month.....but still don't know where to go ..but for sure will leave on monday ..just book the ticket to whatever place they have on that day.......

    get to talk to u later when i have chance~..u take care and wish you all the best......

    By Blogger KarenX, at 4/16/2007 11:58 p.m.  

  • We miss you a lot Jenny. Just get lots and lots of rest and hope you can come back and worship with all of us together very soon!

    Brothers and sisters from all congregations are praying for you each week; we pray that you will experience His care and presence in the midst of all these happenings.

    Get well soon.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/17/2007 2:49 p.m.  

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