YuENLiN93 遇見神 ~ Emmanuel


In hospital, but thankful!

I really have to thank brothers and sisters for their care and support! Thank you for the prayers, all the calls to church or me, and emails.

My mom, Vincent and I met with the surgeon this afternoon. The surgeon suggested that she either go to the hostipal tonight (Monday evening) or the next morning. So we decided to go right away, as she can receive more medical care as well as IV injection (as she doesn't want to eat, and cannot eat solid food). Also, she might also have a chance to "suck" all the things that are still in her stomach, OUT of her stomach...So that she can feel more comfortable.

After waiting in the emergency room for around 6 hours, she is now settle in at:

Room 462 bed #1 at Scarborough General Hostipal (northwest corner of McCowan & Lawerence)

The surgeon said further tests will need to be done on my mom the next couple of days, before he can determine the time of the surgery, or if surgery is the solution at all. For now, we will have to wait and see...But thank God that now mom has some medical staffs to take good care of her. Hopefully we will know sooner than later about any details of her tumor.

Thank God that my mom is still very positive and strong.


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