YuENLiN93 遇見神 ~ Emmanuel


My friend, Thank you!

You know, I am really blessed with a lot of good friends in my life. Thank God.

One of them is Ning Chi - who is also the designer for the "SAVE THE DATE" and invitation cards for our wedding.

Even on the day that she had to leave to HK for her trainning, she went to the printshop to arrange all the printing for our wedding invitation cards....taking care of my things before her own. THANK YOU, my good friend!

You better be back soon, I miss u so much already!


  • looks really nice ar!! and it is a good thing to put in your blog.. so that it remind me when is your big day!! haha...you haven;t update your blog for a long long time.. thought that u are not going to write anymore ...

    By Blogger eh0520, at 6/13/2007 10:26 p.m.  

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