YuENLiN93 遇見神 ~ Emmanuel


Praise our LORD! And thankful to have brothers and sisters like you!

Dearest brothers and sisters,

I thank God to have each of you in my family's lives. I saw all your replies, and even email reminders to pray for mom. We are so touch by your love and care. God listens to all your prayers. Thank you.

If you have not heard yet, my mom's surgery was successful. But more importantly, let me take a few minuates to share with you the rollercoaster ride our family had today with our Lord.

This morning, right after I arrived my office, the phone rang and it was my mom's surgeon. The surgeon told me that all the tests on my mom were done, but the result was not good. Basically, other than the tumor in her stomach, he also found a bigger tumor in her ovary. He said that the cancer is stage four, and the situation is very bad.

He told me that there were two option:

Option one was to "TRY" to remove the tumor in her stomach, if not, at least bypass the stomach, so that my mom "maybe" able to eat food again. He will have to ignore the tumor in her ovary because she is too weak.

Option two was to send my mom to downtown hospital. Because the doctors there "might be able" to remove both tumors in the stomach and the ovary at the same time. (that would be GREAT!) But that adds to the complexity of the surgery and the risk would be much greater.

Also, the time to wait for the surgery might be much much longer.

To make the long story short, we chose option one, since my mom was very uncomfortable and want to do the operation right away. The surgeon warned us that because my mom was so wake, that she might not make it through the operation. It was very very scary, and we were shocked.

Well, except for my mom, who was telling us to pray and trust God. God is so amazing. My mom was so peaceful, she did not look like she is facing the possibility of "death" at all.

Then I remember what God comforted me when I was doing devotion from the night before, the title/message was "Obey & you will see miracle". It was John 6:1-14, where the bible talked about the miracle Jesus "pull" ~ five small loaves and two small fish that feed 5000 people +

Also, Rev. Wong drop by the hospital with a bible verse from Palsm 46:1 that helped my mom a lot ~ "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble". My mom was repeating and repeating this bible verse when she was going into the operation room.

And I guess most of you already know the outcome. After a few hours, the operation was done, but not ONLY did the surgeon do what he planned to remove (the tumor in her stomach), but also the ovaries as well. God's grace is not only sufficient, but his grace is more than what we think or asked for. Indeed, it was God's miracle in our family. All of us are very joyful. God is our strength, our refuge, and our help!

(From Bad news 9am --> surgery decision at noon --> start of operation 6pm --> now, all in one day, it was a lot to digest...)

I understand that this journey will be a long one, this operation is only the first step. But our family learn a big lesson that no matter what happens in the future, good or bad, we know that our Lord is always with us, and therefore we do not need to be afriad.

And again, we thank you all. You guys are all my family's little angels :)


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